Little Embarcadero - Container Pop-Up Program

Little Embarcadero Satellite

Above: aerial view of Little Embarcadero activation area

*Please note: 3 kiosk operators from the June 2024 round of applications have been chosen. Though there are no current openings for kiosk operators, the FWCBD will continue to accept applications and review for any future openings or additional kiosks.


The Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District is seeking up to four local businesses to operate kiosks for a short-term activation on the Little Embarcadero, between the PIER 39 property line adjacent to Powell Street and Pier 45 (see map of locations below). The Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District (FWCBD) is working alongside the Port of San Francisco to curate an engaging visitor experience that assists in driving foot traffic throughout the neighborhood, complements what is currently offered at the Wharf and helps build the Fisherman’s Wharf brand (see project description below). 

The following products and services are desired, but we are open to proposals for others:

  • Tourist-serving activities such as rentals, ticket sales, and attractions
  • Coffee and take-away food and drink items
  • Signature branded clothing and other items specific to San Francisco or Fisherman’s Wharf
  • Handmade products that are San Francisco themed

Operators must share the container space with the FWCBD staff so they can access the container to load and unload tables, chairs, and other activities, which will be stored overnight and removed during operating hours. 

Tables and seating may be used by customers and by the public.

Chosen operators will be permitted to operate for six months. If operators comply with the rules and regulations outlined below and want to proceed beyond 6 months, there will be an opportunity to extend the contract for an additional time period, at FWCBD discretion. 

The FWCBD will provide a small start-up grant to operators (see below), and will require a revenue share of 10% of gross revenue above $1,500 per month after one month of operation.  Net funding from the revenue share will go back into daily operational costs of the short-term activation programs.

Program Overview & Requirements: 
  • Operators will have the opportunity to conduct their business in a modified shipping container with space up to 8 ft x 20 ft, with branding to their business included, subject to approval by FWCBD. Exact size of kiosk space can be negotiated based on operator use, need, and logistics of FWCBD use of container space for storage of amenities overnight. 
  • Operators may also use a defined portion of the area outside the container to conduct business with FWCBD permission.
  • Each kiosk will include:
    • Electricity by solar generator at 110 volts with 20-amp sockets
    • Lighting inside the container included
    • One mobile 30" x 48" Stainless Steel Commercial Worktable
  • The FWCBD will provide a mini-grant of $1,500 that can be used for signage, equipment, sink, shelving or counters, DPH permitting requirements, etc.
  • Operators may not use gas, charcoal, or fire in the container. There will be no hood for ventilation, so operators must use electric equipment for all needs with   110-volt outlets
  • Trash service will be provided by the Port of San Francisco, logistics TBD
  • Depending on kiosk location, the nearest restrooms are within 200 feet, located at Pier 45, Chowder Hut, and the two JC Decaux restrooms at Powell and Jefferson. 
  • Operators must abide by the minimum hours of operation by season and close by 9 PM. Initial minimum required hours are listed below, but subject to change by FWCBD:
    • April through October
      • Mondays - Thursdays | 11AM - 8PM
      • Fridays - Sundays | 10AM - 8PM
    • November through March
      • Mondays - Thursdays | 10AM - 6PM
      • Fridays - Sundays | 10AM - 7PM
    • Weather-based closures or closures due to lack of customers subject to FWCBD approval     .
  • At this time we cannot accept applications to sell alcohol or cannabis
  • Operators must use sustainable/compostable disposable items, as possible/applicable
  • Permits, licenses, and insurance
    • Fees and permits for the container will be provided, but: 
      1. The operator must acquire all necessary DPH permits 
      2. Be a registered business in the City and County of San Francisco. 
    • Operators shall comply with all rules and regulations set by the State of California and the City and County of San Francisco relating to the products they sell. 
    • It is the sole responsibility of each operator to be familiar with and abide by all state and federal regulations pertaining to the production, preparation, preservation, labeling, and safety of products for sale.
    • Catering License or other health permits as needed per the type of product being sold (if selling food).
    • All operators must have a San Francisco Business Registration Certificate
    • All operators are required to carry general liability insurance with policy limits not less than $1,000,000 naming “Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District” AND “CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO AND THE SAN FRANCISCO PORT COMMISSION AND THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, COMMISSIONERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS” as additionally insured. 
    • A copy of the insurance certificate must be presented before space is assigned. 
    • Additional product liability insurance is recommended.
    • All paperwork (operator application, copies of licensing/permits, liability insurance coverage) must be on file with the Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District prior to occupying a container. 
Selection Process:

The initial pop-up program application was closed in June 2024. Three applicants were chosen by the FWCBD. Though there are no current openings for kiosk operators, the FWCBD will continue to accept applications and review for any future openings or additional kiosks.

Special consideration will be given to existing Fisherman's Wharf businesses and Port of San Francisco business tenants.

Criteria for selection will include:
  • Experience operating a business selling this service or product 
  • Fit of proposed product or service to demand from visitors 
  • Ability to operate in a limited physical space and in an unproven location
  • Ability to operate the specified hours 
  • Social media and/or advertising/branding presence and following

Please proceed to the next page to submit your application.


About the Little Embarcadero Gateway Project

The SF Port and the Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District (FWCBD) are proposing installation of a temporary public space activation project at Fisherman’s Wharf that offers new amenities to enhance enjoyment of the area’s public spaces. The project is directly connected to the Port’s ongoing efforts to catalyze economic recovery. The goal of this activation is to create a robust temporary installation hosting positive, family-friendly, permitted, free and affordable activity. 

Project components are all temporary and movable and are installed with the intention of rigorous monitoring for performance by Port and FWCBD staff; they will serve as prototypes for design, fixtures and activities that could be incorporated in future potential mixed-use development and/or capital improvements planned by the Waterfront Resiliency Program. Components aim to build on the area’s assets and emphasize enhanced use of area public spaces for leisure and play, while also responding to operational needs of commercial stakeholders and area businesses. The Port and FWCBD will use a combination of digital visitor data, sales data from kiosk container pop-ups, stakeholder interviews, and visitor surveys to evaluate the project within the first six months.

LE DRAFT - container sites

*The above map is a DRAFT, and is subject to change.